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Results for "submediums: Books - Hardcover,Books - Paperback,Books - Audiobook,Books - Audio Program,Books - Other,Features - Book, main_practice: Vision=, for_children: n, latest_content: 1"
Indian Spirituality Succinct presentation of the religions born on the subcontinent.
Taking a Career Break for Dummies An encouraging guide about how and why to hit pause in your work life.
Oak and Lotus An interspiritual guide to encounters between East and West.
The Story of Gaia Evolutionary purpose in every corner of existence.
Waking Up to the Dark Expanding your vision with darkness.
Green Mass Hildegard of Bingen’s vision, most relevant today, of a green, interconnected world.
Legacy An exploration of the effects of colonization on Indigenous people and of paths to recovery and healing.
The Way of the Mystics Messages of hope and challenge from mystics familiar and unfamiliar.
Moral Struggle and the Prophets Messages for living a moral life of prophetic urgency from one of the great Black theologians of the last century.
Mountains and Rivers Sutra An opportunity to enter Zen practice for one year.